Our Services Offered


There are so many wonderful things about midwifery care! You will enjoy 45-60 minutes of face-to-face time with your midwife at every appointment! Prenatal appointments are every 4 weeks until 28 weeks, every 2 weeks until 36 weeks, and then weekly until the birth of your baby. At 37 weeks, the team comes to your home to organize all your home birth supplies, help you get your home and bed ready, and discuss your incoming birth experience! During your prenatal care visits you will receive: monitoring of you and baby's growth, complete vital assessment, prenatal and postpartum education, nutritional counseling, routine lab work, referral for routine ultrasounds, nutritional and homeopathic support, parenting support, and so much more. 


During you labor and birth, you will be attended by a combination of Paula, Arianna, Sarah and Olivia. We will attend you during active labor, throughout your birthing process, and for several hours in the immediate postpartum. Our team is there to support your birth, the way you want it, in a safe and gentle manner. We provide you with encouragement, guidance, reassurance, and respect. Still, we are highly trained and ready to jump into action if a complication does arise. We bring all the normal equipment you would find in a labor and delivery room in a hospital, including oxygen, resuscitation equipment, anti-hemorrhagic drugs, IV fluids and supplies. We also carry homeopathic remedies, herbs, and a wealth of hands-off recommendations we can provide to aid you in your laboring.

The majority of our clients birth at home - your midwife team will help instruct you on how to prepare your bed, floors, and home so your midwives can quickly clean up after the birth and tuck you into your bed.

We also attend births at A Family Affair Birth Center The birth center offers a warm, home-like environment where you will have a private room for giving birth. You get to make yourself comfortable, wear your own clothes, eat, soak in the tub, and give birth should you desire! You can find more about them at their website here.


Many of our clients wish to have water births. Water serves as a natural relief of the discomforts of labor and has been affectionately coined the "aqua-dural". Our team has several birth tubs available for rental, and we provide you a list of all other items that are required for a water birth. We instruct you on how to quickly set up the tub and get it full, and we will help break it down soon after birth as well.


We are honored to support VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean), or more specifically an HBAC (Home Birth After Cesarean) clients. We do not take this lightly as more often than not, a client seeking an HBAC has had some type of trauma surrounding her previous cesarean. It is important that clients are informed and empowered about their decision to birth out of the hospital. Your midwifery team is here to support you in tour healing and recovery and can provide any resources you might be seeking.


Your midwifery care continues after the birth of your baby. Your midwife will visit you in your home within 24-36 hours after your birth. At this time, we offer all of the standard Newborn Procedures offered in the hospital, as well as making sure that your baby is latching well, your bleeding is normal, and everyone is healthy. We also come to your home on Day 3, have a virtual visit with you at 1 week postpartum, and then see you in our offices at 2 and 6 weeks postpartum. At each visit we will access the general, physical and emotional well-being of you and your baby. This includes you and your baby’s vital signs, your feeding relationship, nutrition and digestion, and psychosocial support.

Postpartum care is often overlooked and we want to change that. We always provide the same individualization, personalization, and love that is given during your pregnancy to your postpartum care!


Traditional Chinese medicine has utilized the placenta for thousands of years to support and nourish the mother as she recovers from childbirth. This personalized medicine aids in postpartum hormone balancing and nutrient replacement. For an additional fee we provide the placenta processing of your choice; frozen, encapsulated, and/or tincture. Also included with your placenta is a print and cord keepsake.


Arianna has created a nurturing postpartum closing ceremony that involves birth experience processing, a postpartum herbal bath, a rebozo alignment and abdominal massage with healing oils, a nourishing soup, and abdominal binding. This process takes between 2-3 hours and is a great way to honor your postpartum healing and recovery.


Abdominal binding is a traditional postpartum art used in many cultures globally. It is primarily used in the US to support women recovering from C-sections. Thankfully the practice is becoming more common for all postpartum moms. Binding the abdomen offers support by stabilizing the muscles, skin, and internal organs that throughout pregnancy were stretched, separated, and pushed out of place by the growing baby. This creates a more comfortable healing process. For those interested, we carry a binding kit that includes a muslin fabric binder, instructions, and herbal salve. On day three we also offer a short instructional session to do the initial binding and answer any questions you may have.


The Newborn Hearing Screening is a painless test that can be performed within the first weeks of life for the early detection of hearing loss. Sarah Tunney, a community midwife midwife, has been trained and carries the equipment to perform this test. This test checks that your newborn’s ears have the appropriate anatomy for hearing the full range of sound frequencies. It is a quick and non-invasive way to screen for hearing impairment and begin early intervention to improve outcomes!


Midwives provide much more care than just prenatal and postpartum. Well-woman/well-person care includes but is not limited to, pre-conception counseling, gynecological & breast exams, STI screening, and contraceptive or family planning education. Well-Woman/well-person care is offered for all persons AFAB regardless of gender identity or expression.