What people are saying.

  • Dearest Paula, I cannot Imagine a more perfect birth than the one you gave to me. You were the only one I could have got through that with. Thank you, In a case like this, is not enough. We have gained the world of magic, possibility, and earthly goodness from angels like you. Thank you for being a conduit of that which is most important in my life

    - Angela

  • The words "thank you" can't begin to express how grateful I am to you for all the care, support, encouragement, and empowerment you gave to Angela. Your knowledge, training, and experience were evident throughout her prenatal appointments, Amelia's birth, and the days following. I also appreciate the way you included me in the process, always asking about my feelings and answering my questions. You were so generous, good, kind, loving, and gentle to our girl during a difficult period. By delivering a healthy baby you brought joy back into her heart and life. I will always cherish the gift of witnessing a team of women with a genuine love of the baby process. Empowering women to have it their way. I will never forget your grace.

    — Angela’s Stepmother

  • Paula Tipton-Healy is the best gift my family has ever received. I looked forward to going to her office for prenatal visits. All my fears and concerns were thwarted by her attention to my health and well being. She made me feel normal, pretty and a powerful , competent woman/ mother. Her lovely, conservative approach to caring for me and my babies left me trusting everything she did and said to me. Each birth was different and perfect. Paula was the constant. The sooner I started my prenatal care the sooner I got her knowledge, wisdom, support and peace. Having her expertise as a Homeopath was the next best thing to perfect care. I learned a new way to look at health and wellbeing for me, my babies and my husband , and be able to do something about it with out worries of toxins, side effects, or no effect. Paula's care as a homeopath started with my first baby girl (now 21) and continues today as I have become more educated to care for myself and family and smart enough to know when to ask Paula for help. If you have found these words after searching for a midwife or homeopath, stop right here and call her. Your entire life being will be changed for the good as well as your entire family. Thank you Paula!"

    — M

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